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All Circulars

S.No Circular No Category Subject Department Date View
612 1722 Shipping Harbour Traffic Ps Harbour Traffic Circle, Visakhapatnam City In view of Sri Varaha Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Giri Pradakshina on 20-07-2024 and 21-07-2024 In view of Traffic Congestion due to congregation of huge public on the roads, Request your Heavy Vehicles divert from Sheelanagar Juntion to Pendurthi High way via Lankelapalem. Traffic 18-07-2024 Document
611 1720 Shipping Request for refund of excess funds from PDA6711640in respect of M/s. Cesac Shipping . Traffic 08-07-2024 Document
610 No. IENG/CP/EE(Rlys)/T/85/VR/2, Dt.13.06.2024. General Renewal of NALCO level crossing area points including resurfacing with hard concrete surface level crossing - Blacklisting of Contractor Civil Engineering 13-06-2024 Document
609 1719 General Mandatory engagement of Helper/Cleaner along with Driver on theVehicles plying in the Port Area Traffic 24-06-2024 Document
608 1715 General Redefinition of the Dock boundry area and consequent realignment of the procedure for issuance of RFID Dock entry permits. Traffic 05-06-2024 Document
607 PMU/PPP/EQ-10/COMMITTEE/2024/144 Dt.07-06-2024 General Administration Development of EQ-10 berth in the Northern Arm of Inner Harbour of VPA for handling Liquid Cargo on DBFOT basis. Civil Engineering 07-06-2024 Document
606 1716 General Grant of License for supply, installation, testing , commissionning, operation and maintenance of 2 Harbour Mobile Cranes of capacity not less than 100MT Traffic 07-06-2024 Document
605 1714 General Maines adn Minerals - Details of exporter wise Iron Ore Exported through Visakhapatnam port fro the eriod from 01-04-2019 to 31-12-2023 - Not to allow the exporter without having Mineral Dealer License as per the Mineral Dealer Rules 2017. Traffic 05-06-2024 Document
604 1712 Shipping Issuance of Port Clearance to vessels calling at VPA Traffic 29-05-2024 Document
603 1711 Shipping Wagon damages at different sidings in VPA while loading and unloading Traffic 28-05-2024 Document