Vigilance Corner
CVO’s Message
Welcome to VPA’s Vigilance Department Webpage. Vigilance Department works with VPA management to achieve its vision as a team of inspired performers in the field of Port, Maritime Logistics and Terminal Management, serving Indian and Global trade while ensuring integrity, transparency and fairness for fuelling Indian Nation’s economic growth.
As Thomas Jefferson said, 'let the eye of Vigilance be never closed'. In line with this we are consistently working to ensure Integrity in the governance processes.
We invite your specific comments/complaints, if any and concrete suggestions on the functioning of departments and personnel of VPA, which will help us in fighting corruption and ensuring integrity in VPA.
Chief Vigilance Officer
About Vigilance
Vigilance Department is headed by the Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO). He is assisted by Dy. CVO and Investigating Officers experienced in various departments of the VPA. The Vigilance Department arranges periodical meetings with stake holders i.e., vendors, contractors and unions and also have meetings with HoDs. The Department organise training programmes for the benefit of employees working in all Departments of the VPA.
The CVO, on the basis of the investigations carried out, provides advice to the concerned Disciplinary Authorities to bring about qualitative improvement in the functioning of the organisation. The CVO acts as an advisor to the Chief Executive in all matters pertaining to vigilance. The CVO is also a link between the VPA and the agencies like MoPS&W, CBI, CVC, etc. on vigilance matters. The CVO advises Systemic Improvements as a result of inspections, surprise inspections, night inspections and Investigations to ensure Preventive Vigilance and monitor their implementation.
The major work profile of the Department comprises: investigation of complaints received from CVC, MoPS&W, PMO, VPA Management, individuals and other sources; preventive vigilance like surprise inspections, regular surveillance/scrutiny of procurement and contract files and CTE’s intensive examination reports; scrutiny of annual property returns of employees, scrutiny of audit reports and coordination with the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) and Chief Technical Examiner’s Organisation (CTEO).
- Minimize corruption and malpractice.
- Institutionalise preventive vigilance
- Suggestions/recommendations to the management to strengthen systems and procedures.
- Help employees to take clean and effective decisions.
- Bring about change in work culture and work ethics
- Create vigilance awareness amongst the employees.
- Help to enhance transparency and minimize excess discretionary powers.
- Propagating the culture of lodging of complaints under the Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers’ Resolution, 2004 (PIDPR-popularly known as Whistle Blowers’ Resolution), whereby the identity of the complainant would be kept secret and he/she would be protected from victimization.
Can broadly be divided into three parts:
- Preventive vigilance
- Punitive vigilance
- Participative Vigilance
- Surveillance and detection
While 'punitive action' for commission of misconduct and other malpractices is certainly important, surveillance and preventive measures to be taken by the CVO are equally more important, as these are likely to reduce the occurrence of vigilance cases considerably. Thus the role of Vigilance Department should be predominantly preventive.
Preventive Vigilance functions
- Undertake the study of existing procedures and practices to identify the scope for corruption and required modifications.
- Identify the causes of delay and devise suitable steps to minimise delays.
- Devise methods to ensure that discretionary powers are not exercised arbitrarily.
- Educate the citizens about the procedures of dealing with various matters and also to simplify these as far as possible.
- Identify sensitive posts and ensure periodical rotations of staff and in particular officers.
- Identify the areas prone to corruption and ensure that officers of proven integrity are posted in those areas.
- Ensure that the organisation has prepared manuals on important subjects.
- Develop and implement effective Whistle Blower Mechanism.
- Leverage technology for effective preventive Vigilance.
Ensure observance of Conduct rules relating to integrity,
- Statement of assets
- Scrutiny of immovable property returns
- Keep an eye on benami transactions.
- Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week as per the directions of the Commission
- Internal Audit report
- Statutory Audit Report,
- CAG Audit report.
- Preparation of list of Officers of Doubtful Integrity and Agreed list.
- Conduct CTE type inspections
Punitive Vigilance
It is expected to take the following action on punitive vigilance aspects:
To receive complaints from all sources and scrutinize them with a view to finding out, if the allegations involve a vigilance angle. When in doubt, the CVO may refer the matter to his administrative head.
To investigate or cause an investigation to be made into such specific and verifiable allegations as involved a vigilance angle; To investigate or cause an investigation to be made into the allegations forwarded to him by the Commission ,by the CBI or Chairman ,VPA.
To process the investigation reports expeditiously for obtaining orders of the competent authorities about further course of action to be taken and also obtaining Commission's advice on the investigation reports where necessary; To ensure that the charge sheets to the concerned employees are drafted properly and issued expeditiously;
To ensure that there is no delay in appointing the inquiring authorities where necessary;
To examine the inquiry officer's report, keeping in view the evidence adduced by the prosecution and the defense during the course of inquiry, and obtaining orders of the competent authority about further course of action to be taken and also obtaining the Commission's second stage advice and UPSC's advice, where necessary;
To ensure that the disciplinary authority concerned, issues a speaking order while imposing a punishment on the delinquent employee. The order to be issued by the disciplinary authority should show that the disciplinary authority had applied its mind and exercised its independent judgment;
To ensure that rules with regard to disciplinary proceedings are scrupulously followed at all stages by all concerned as any violation of rules would render the entire proceedings void;
To ensure that the time limits prescribed for processing the vigilance cases at various stages are strictly adhered to.
- Review all pending matters, such as investigation reports, disciplinary cases and other vigilance complaints in the first week of every month.
- Review of Vigilance work done to be taken in the meetings by Secretary of Ministry/Dept.
- Periodical meetings with the officers of CBI to discuss matters of mutual interests.
- Ensure that monthly reports of the work done to be furnished to the commission by fifth day of following month
- Annual reports of the previous year on the work done on vigilance matters to be furnished to the commission by 30th January of succeeding month
- Ensure that QPR (Quarterly Progress Reports) on procurement are furnished to CTEs by 15th day of the month following the quarter ending.
Participative Vigilance
- Ensure employees to take part in Vigilance Awareness Week observed as per the directions of the Commission.
- Ensure stake holders, students and public to take part in Vigilance Awareness Week observed as per the directions of the Commission to imbibe ethical values in the minds of citizens.
Public Interest Disclosure & Protection of Informers (PIDPI) Resolution:
Government of India vide office order No.04/02/12 dated 13.02.2012 has authorized the Central Vigilance Commission as the ‘Designated Agency’ to receive written complaints for disclosure on any allegation of corruption of misuse of office and recommend appropriate action under the Public Interest Disclosure & Protection of Informers (PIDPI) Resolution 2004. Accordingly, Commission had also vide circular No. 33/5/2004 dated 17/05/2004 issued guidelines and public notice on the procedure to be followed for filing whistle blower complaint under PIDPI Resolution for protecting identity of complainants/informers.
GOI PIDPI Resolution dated 21.04.2004 & corrigendum dated 29.04.2004 and amendments dated 14.08.2013
Integrity Pact
Integrity Pact & Independent External Monitor(s) (IEM)
The Integrity Pact envisages an agreement between the prospective vendor/bidder and the buyer committing the persons/officials of both the parties not to exercise any corrupt influence on any aspect of the contract. Only those vendors/bidders who have entered into such an Integrity Pact with the buyer (VPA) would be competent to participate in bidding with VPA wherever the value of each contract exceeds Rs 5 Crores.
This Pact is a preliminary qualification for entering into any contract with VPA. The Pact will be effective from the stage of Invitation of Bids till the complete execution of the Contract.
The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) has appointed Shri Devendra Kumar Pathak IPS(Retd.) and Vice Admiral Ashok V Subhedar (Retd) as Independent External Monitors (IEMs) to oversee the implementation of the Integrity Pact.
Address of IEMs is as follows :
- 1. Shri Devendra Kumar Pathak IPS(Retd.)
- Email Id:
- 2. Vice Admiral Ashok V Subhedar (Retd)
- Email Id:
Name and Designation | Telephone | Fax | Address |
Dr. M. Angamuthu, IAS. Chairperson | 0891 2873102 | 0891-2565023 | The Chairperson Visakhapatnam Port Authority, Visakhapatnam–530 035. |
Shri P.S. Lingeswara Swami, I.O.F.S. Chief Vigilance Officer | 0891 2873041 | 0891-2564487 | The Chief Vigilance Officer, Visakhapatnam Port Authority, Visakhapatnam–530 035. |
Independent External Monitors (IEMs) in Visakhapatnam Port Authority
Name and Designation | Mobile No | e-Mail ID | Address |
Shri. Devendra Kumar Pathak, | 9650806205 | | L/G4, Amrapali Sspphire, Sector-45, Noida, U.P. - 201 303. |
Vice Admiral Ashok Subhedar | 8800399081 | | K-604, Roystonea, Magarpatta City, Pune411 028, Maharashtra |
Complaint Status
Vigilance Awareness Week 2023
Visakhapatnam Port Authority has observed the vigilance awareness week from 30.10.2023 to 05.11.2023. the theme of VAW 2023 is
"Say no to corruption; commit to the Nation"
Vigilance department has conducted various programmes such as essay writing, quiz, elocution, Painting and slogan/quotes competitions to the employees of VPA and students of various school/college on the theme in order to create awareness on vigilance. During the VAW period, Capacity Building and PIDPI awareness programmes were also conducted for the employees of the VPA. A short film on the theme was prepared and displayed during the valedictory function held on 06.11.2023 in presence of audience and dignitaries. Online complaint portal was inaugurated by the Chairperson during the valedictory function. With_this, complainants can lodge complaints online and also track the complaint status
Photo Gallery
Vigilance Awareness Week 2024
Visakhapatnam Port Authority has undertaken a three-month campaign from 16th August 2024 to 15th November 2024 on preventive Vigilance duly focussed on the given areas by CVC vide Circular Number 08/08/24 i.e.
-- Capacity Building programs
-- Identification and implementation of Systemic Improvement measures
-- Up-dation of Circulars/Guidelines/Manuals
-- Disposal of complaints received before 30.06.2024
-- Dynamic Digital Presence
An opening meeting with the management was conducted on 20.8.2024 and Chairperson, VPA has chaired the meeting. The CVO has appraised about the importance of three month campaign prelude of VAW 2024. The Chairperson has accordingly directed all the HoDs to actively involve in the focussed areas.
VAW Inaugural Programme
• Visakhapatnam Port Authority has observed Vigilance Awareness Week 2024 i.e. from 28.10.2024 to 03.11.2024. The theme of VAW 2024 is "Culture of Integrity Nation’s Prosperity"
• Walkathon was conducted in port area to spread awareness about VAW and preventive vigilance. About 250 employees took part in the event. Integrity pledge was taken by the Employees, Associated persons all over the operational areas, Administrative Office Building at 11:00AM on 28.10.2024. • The messages from Hon’ble President, Hon’ble Vice President, Hob’ble Prime Minister and CVC were read by officials of VPA. CVO, VPA has briefed about the activities planned during the week and also the importance of preventive vigilance, capacity building and involvement of Employees and Associated persons and its importance. • Banners/standees/ stickers were displayed at various locations of VPA for creating awareness on Preventive Vigilance. Displayed VAW hoardings in the prominent locations of the Port operational areas for wide spreading of the VAW 2024 so as to reach the theme to the nook and corner of the VPA. • A Special lecture/talk was delivered by Sri. B.B. Roy, Director CVC to all the HoDs and Dy.HoDs of both VPA and DCIL on Preventive Vigilance on 04.10.2024 • Training programmes on Capacity Building on the topics given by the CVC were conducted with the faculty from VPA and GITAM University, Visakhapatnam. About 573 employees and associated persons covered in the above programme. • Vendor meet was conducted on 01.11.2024, wherein Integrity pledge administered by Dy. CVO.Competitions
Competitions viz. quiz competition, Quotes / slogans, Elocution, Essay writing and drawing were conducted during Vigilance Awareness Week on the theme for employees. Essay writing and Drawing competitions were conducted on the theme for students of various colleges and Schools. Integrity pledge was administered for students during the programme.
Valedictory Programme
Valedictory function was conducted on 04.11.2024 and it was graced by the SP, CBI, Visakhapatnam Branch and enlightened on various aspects to reduce corruption. In this event, HoDs, Dy. HoDs, employees, Students, teachers were participated. CVO and HoDs have distributed prizes to Winners in various competitions. Mementoes were distributed to college management as a token of appreciation for their active participation in VAW competitions. Skit play on VAW theme done by students was displayed during the programme.
During the three months campaign, the Vigilance department has actively involved and pursued the departments so that the three months campaign is concluded successfully.Photo Gallery