Environment Management
The Port of Visakhapatnam, Environment Management wing is maintaining harmony between Port development and environmental protection.
Port of Visakhapatnam is accredited with ISO Certification (ISO 14001) by the Indian Register of Quality Systems for the Environmental Management System standards in all its activities including related support services.
An Environmental Monitoring Committee (EMC) is in place with members representing Citizen Welfare Associations, NGOs, Academic Institutions, Industries/Defense, Trade, Observers from APPCB, Government Organization's and Senior Officers of the Port. The Committee reviews the implementation of long term and short term directives issued by APPCB and also reviews the environmental activities to be implemented by the Port. The Committee also inspects various operational areas of the Port and advises improvements on the Environmental activities carried out and gives suggestions for additional Environmental pollution mitigated measures as may be necessary based on the requirements from time to time.
Environmental Audit of M/s Visakhapatnam Port Authority
Statutory Documents.
Environmental Clearance – EC Costal Regulation Zone - CRZ |
Consent for Establishment - CFE | Consent for Operations – CFO |

Three Sub-Committees are constituted to review and monitor AAQ (Ambient Air Quality), Green Belt Development and Hazard Management. The EMC reviews the findings of the Sub-Committees and advises suitably on the environmental improvement measures.
Environmental cell has been established to monitor the environmental activities of the Port, duly appointing persons qualified in the field of Environment Management.
The measures taken by the Port to mitigate Environmental Pollution include:
- Monitoring of Ambient Air Quality at six locations in and around the Port area by Port and third parties like Andhra University Development Center and APPCB.
- Monitoring of harbour water quality at regular intervals through Andhra University Development Center.
- Monitoring of STP waters before and after treatment at regular intervals.
- Regular monitoring of pollution control measures in and around Port area and residential areas.
- Preparation of Environmental Management Action Plan and Comprehensive Environmental zoning and land use plan for all occupied and unoccupied areas for the next ten years through M/s. MECON, Ranchi.
- Distribution of pamphlets and display of message boards on Environment Management.
- Development of Environmental Parks/ Nurseries and maintenance of Islands in and around Port areas.
- Continuous development of Green Belt in and around Port area.
- Mechanization of Cargo Handling Operations in phases.
- Monitoring effluent of Port based industries before discharging into Port Waters and ensuring that they posses consent of APPCB for their activities.
The Port is taking all possible measures to contain the pollution and the maintain the ambient air quality within permissible limits. In addition to the above measures, the Port is
- Modernizing the cargo handling facilities for coal, iron ore, fertilizers etc.,
- Re-organizing stack yards
- Insulating coal stack yards by providing high rise walls along with dust suppression system as long term measure to avoid dust pollution.
- Implemented MDSS (Mechanical Dust Suppression System) Automation in 04 pump houses and 100 sprinklers branches using PLC and SCADA.
- Developed a truck parking terminal to facilitate parking of 667 trucks and trailers to prevent traffic congestion on port roads.
- Deployed 02 nos of Mechanical road sweeping machine and 02 nos of dry fog machine to the various locations for mitigation of dust and air pollution.
Environmental Compliances:
- Filing of returns in the compliance (annual/half yearly) to the conditions put forth by MoEF& CC/APPCB/CPCB at the intervals specified in the consent order. Maintaining records in environmental cell and put up the same to EMC meetings/ HOD meetings.
- Maintenance of QMS, EMS & OHSAS records and files and putforth during internal or external auditing.
- Liasioning with the monitoring agencies engaged in Environment monitoring works.
- Submission of the required data for presenting at the time of attending the court trials. Filing of remarks and reasons with reference to court cases being filed against pollution caused as and when required.
- Collection and submission of information after proper scrutiny to the person who requests the information under RTI Act rule.
- Filling of online application with MoEF & CC for environmental clearances for new projects and expansion projects,
Environment Management System of VPA