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All Circulars

S.No Circular No Category Subject Department Date View
621 1734 General Covering of all types of Bulk cargo stack piled up in the open area plots within the jurisdiction of VPA with GoodQuality Tarpaulins overs. Traffic 26-08-2024 Document
620 1731 General Removal of tarpaulin covers dumped at Yerri gedda on road side near STP entrance channel Traffic 21-08-2024 Document
619 1733 Shipping Covering of Trucks carrying bulk cargoes with Tarpaulin - Sprinkiling water on the roads. Traffic 21-08-2024 Document
618 1732 Shipping Hoisting of Prpoer Save all nets at all working hatches of the vessel Traffic 21-08-2024 Document
617 1730 Shipping Preventive measures for Fatla Accidents - Mandatory engagement of Helper / Cleaner along with Driver on the Vehicles plying in the Port Area. Traffic 21-08-2024 Document
616 1729 Shipping Developement of existing 2 lane road from convent junction to exit gate of VCTPL (Phase-I) Traffic Block Traffic 14-08-2024 Document
615 1726 Shipping Request for cancellation of PDA 6711268 in resepect of M/s. Boxco Logistics India Pvt. Ltd. Traffic 05-08-2024 Document
614 Pensioner's ID card form General Administration Please download the Pensioner's ID card form and submit it to the Pension Section of the Finance Department at VPA. Finance 09-08-2024 Document
613 1723 Shipping Improving the capacity utilization of OR-1 & OR-2 beths in Inner Harbour, Visakhapatnam Port Phase-III-Works - Dredging in SDR / Weathered rock Underwater controlled blasting - Window for vessel movements in western arm Channel in day time Traffic 20-07-2024 Document
612 1722 Shipping Harbour Traffic Ps Harbour Traffic Circle, Visakhapatnam City In view of Sri Varaha Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Giri Pradakshina on 20-07-2024 and 21-07-2024 In view of Traffic Congestion due to congregation of huge public on the roads, Request your Heavy Vehicles divert from Sheelanagar Juntion to Pendurthi High way via Lankelapalem. Traffic 18-07-2024 Document