Job Opportunities at Visakhapatnam Port Authority is the only official website of Visakhapatnam Port Authority. Beware of fake websites claiming job offers from VPA!!!.

Online Application Portal. Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways (Government of India)

National Career Service Project (NCS)  (Ministry of Labour and Employment)

Notice No Notification Date Description Last date for submission
N o. I GAD/C 2l Rect. lDy .CMO I 2024, dt: 04.09.2024 04-09-2024 Filling up of the post of Deputy Chief Medical Officer (Specialist) (Class - l) in the scale of pay of Rs.60,000-1,80,000/- in Medical Department, Visakhapatnam Port Authority on absorption / deputati 07/10/2024
No.IGAD/C2/Rect./Sr.ATM/2024, dt: 04.09.2024 04-09-2024 Filling up of the two vacant posts of Senior Assistant Traffic Manager (Class -I) in the scale of pay of Rs.50,000-1,60,000/- in Traffic Department, V P A on absorption / deputation basis 07/10/2024
No. C2/Rect./PlLOT (Cl.I)/2024 Dt. 21 .08.2024 21-08-2024 Selection Result _ Engagement of Pilots (Class - I) on Contract Basis on payment of Consolidate Remuneration Rs. 1,00,000 PM in Marine Dept of VPA 21/08/2024
No. C2/Rect./Sr. Dy. TM/TM/2024 Dt. 20.08.2024 20-08-2024 Filling up of the vacant post of Sr. Dy. TM (Class - l) on scale Rs.80000 - 220000 in Traffic Department of Visakhapatnam Port Authority by absorption through Composite method of Recruitment 07/10/2024
No.Cl/Rect. /ExE (Civil)/l CE/2024 2449 Dt.12.06.2024 12-06-2024 Filling up of 02 (Two) vacant posts of Executive Engineer (civil) on scale of pay of Rs.50,000- 1,60,000 in Civil Engineering Department in Visakhapatnam Port Authority on Absorption/Deputation basis. 26/07/2024
No. IGAD/C2/Rect./Dy. CAO/2024, Dt.07.06.2024 07-06-2024 Filling up of the post of Deputy Chief Accounts Officer (Class - l) in the scale of pay of Rs.60,000-1,80,000/- in Finance Department, Visakhapatnam Port Authority on absorption / deputation basis 08/07/2024
No. IGAD/C2/Rect/TM/2024/2125 Dt.15.05.2024 15-05-2024 Filling up of the post of Traffic Manager (HOD)(Class-i) in the scale of pay of Rs.100000-260000\-( Revised ) by absorpation through composite method in Traffic Department, Visakhapatnam Port Authori 03/07/2024
NO.C2/Rect/SMO(GD)/2024, DT:24.05.2024 21-02-2024 Filling up of one post of Senior Medicol Officer (Generol Duty) (Closs - l) in the Scole of Poy of Rs. 50000 - I ,60,000 on regulor bosis by Direct Recruitment in Medicol Deportment of Visokhopotnom 24/05/2024
N0.IENG/HRC/EEnvironmment\Supervisor\2024 Dt.16.05.2024 08-05-2024 Selection for the post of Environment Supervisor on contract basis for a period of one year 08/05/2024
No.C1/Rect,/Dy.CE ( Dy.HOD)2023/2114 15-05-2024 Filling up of 3 (Three posts of Dy.Chief Engineer (Dy.HOD) in the scale of pay of RS.80,000 -2,20,000 by Absorption through Composite Method in Civil Engineering Department - Reg. 14/06/2024
No.C1/Rect./Dy.CME (Dy. HOD )2024/2056 09-05-2024 Filling up of the 01 (one) vacant post of Deputy Chief Mechanical Engineer (Dy HOD )on scale of pay of Rs 80,000-2,20,000 by Absorption through Composite Method in Mechanical & Electrical Engineering 10/06/2024
No. C2/Rect/General Physicion/2024 07-05-2024 General Physician (Contract Basis) - Selection held on 6-5-2024 _ Result - Reg. 07/05/2024
No. C2/Rect/MOs/2024 07-05-2024 Medical Officers (Contract Basis) - Selection held on 6-5-2024 _ Result - Reg. 07/05/2024
EMPLOYMENT NOTICE No. C2/10/2024, Dt. 30.04.2024 30-04-2024 Filling up of the post of PILOTS to work in Marine Department on contract basis initially for a period of one year on payment of consolidated remuneration. 31/12/2024
EMPLOYMENTNOTICENo.C2/09/2024. Dt.26.04.2024 26-04-2024 Walk-in Interview for the post of Medical Officers on Contract basis on payment of Consilidate remuneration in GJH, Medical Dept, VPA 06/05/2024
No.C 1/Rect /Dy. CME (Dy. HOD/2024/1473 Dt.04.04.2024. 04-04-2024 Filling up of the anticipated vacancy of Deputy Chief Mechanical Engineer (Dy.CME) (Dy. HOD) on scale of pay of Rs.80,000-2,20,000 by Absorption Through Composite Method in Mechanical & Electrical Eng 22/05/2024
No. C2/08/2024 Dt. 01.04.2024 01-04-2024 Filling up the post of Medical Officers on Contract basis on payment of Consilidate remuneration in GJH, Medical Dept, VPA 31/12/2024
EMPLOYMENT NOTICE No. C2/07/2024. Dt. 21 .03.2024 21-03-2024 WALK-IN-INTERVIEW Visakhapatnam Port Authority requires General Physician to work in Medical Department, on contract basis for a period of three years on payment of consolidate remuneration 31/05/2024
No.C1/Rect./PF Env./01/2024/1109 06-03-2024 (Walk-in-Interview) Notification for Engagement of Professional Functionary for organizational Port Restructuring in the stream of Environment 20/03/2024
C2/Rect/IIMGraduates/2023 Dt. 01.03.2024 01-03-2024 Engagement of llM Graduates against two Assistant Director (Strategic Management) posts purely on contract basis on payment of consolidated remuneration 03/08/2024
GAD/Admin/554/Recruitment MDIPA/2024 31-01-2024 Filling of the post of Managing Director, IPA on deputaion basis. 30/04/2024
EMPLOYEMENT NOTICE No. C 2 /06 / 2O24, Dt. 21.O2.2O24 21-02-2024 Filling up of one post of Senior Medical Officer (General Duty) (Class -I) in the scale of pay of Rs.50,000-1,60,000 in Golden Jubilee Hospital, Medical Department, Visakhapatnam Port Authority by dir 26/03/2024
No.C1/Rect./ME/2024/787 Dt.16.02.2024 (Results) 24-01-2024 Selection Results of Engagement of Marine Engineers (class-1) on contract basis on payment of monthly consolidated remunaration 13/02/2024
No.C1/Rect./EXE/Civil)/CE/2024/665 12-02-2024 Filling up of 02 (Two) vacant posts of Executive Engineer (civil) on scale of pay of Rs.50,000- 1,60,000 in Civil Engineering Department in Visakhapatnam Port Authority on Absorption/Deputation basis 02/04/2024
No.C1/Rect./SE(Civil)/CE/2024/665 12-02-2024 Filling up of 03 (Three) vacant posts of Supdt. Engineer (civil) on scale of pay of Rs.60,000- 1,80,000 in Civil Engineering Department in Visakhapatnam Port Authority on Absorption/Deputation basis 02/04/2024
Advertisement No. : IENG/Consultant (Estate)/2024 09-02-2024 Engagement Of Experienced Personnel On Contract Basis -Consultant (Estate) 14/02/2024
EMPLOYMENT NOTICE No. C2/ 04/ 2024, Dt.05.02.2024 05-02-2024 WAL-IN-INTERVIEW Visakhapatnam Port Authority requires Medical Officer to work in Medical Department, on contract basis for a period of one year on payment of consolidated remuneration 15/02/2024
IPA/GAD/Admin/554/Recruitment MDIPA/VC/2024 31-01-2024 Filling up of the post of Managing Director, Indian Ports Association. 29/02/2024
No.C2/03/2024 Dt.03.02.2024 03-02-2024 Walk-in-lnterview for engagement of General Surgeon to work in Medical Department on contract basis for a period of one year payment of consolidated remuneration 12/02/2024
No.C2/02/2024 Dt.02.02.2024 02-02-2024 filling up of the post s of of PILOTS(CL1) in Marine Department VPA on regular basis by direct Recruitment through walk-in-interview. 31/05/2024
No.C 1 lRect./Marine Engineer/02/2023 /360 Dt.24.01.2024 24-01-2024 Walk-in-lnterview for Engagement of Marine Engineers (Class-l) purely on contract basis on payment of monthly consolidated remuneration of Rs.94,000! ( Rupees Ninety four thousand only) per month in 31/01/2024
EMPLOYMENT NOTICE No. C2/ 01/ 2024, Dt.19.01.2024 19-01-2024 Filling up of 03 (Three) posts of Medical Officers (i.e. 02 UR, 01 SC ) purely on contract basis on payment of consolidated monthly remuneration in Medical Department of VPA 23/01/2024
Advertisement No. : CE/Supervisor (Env)2023 Date:05-01-2024 05-01-2024 Engagement of Environment Supervisor on contract basis 19/01/2024
No. IGAD/C2lRe ct. I PO 1202 Dt. 07-12-2023 07-12-2023 Filling up of the post of Personnel Officer (Cl.l) in the scale of pay of Rs.60,000-1,80,000 in Personnel & l.R. Division under the General Administration Department, Visakhapatnam Port Authority on a 18/01/2024