Job Opportunities at Visakhapatnam Port Authority is the only official website of Visakhapatnam Port Authority. Beware of fake websites claiming job offers from VPA!!!.

Online Application Portal. Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways (Government of India)

National Career Service Project (NCS)  (Ministry of Labour and Employment)

Notice No Notification Date Description Last date for submission
No. IGAD/C2/Rect./Dy.CVO/2025, Dt.25.03.2025 25-03-2025 Filling up of the post of Dy. Chief Vigilance Officer (Cl.l) in the scale of pay of Rs.60,000-1,80,000/- (pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.24,900-50,500/-) on deputation basis in Visakhapatnam Port Auth 30/04/2025
IGAD/C1/Rect/CME/2025 Dt. 18-03-2025 18-03-2025 Filling up of the anticipated vacant post of Cheif Mechanical Engineer (HoD) (Class-I) in the scale of pay of Ra. 100000-2600000 by Absorption through Composite Method in M&EE Department , VPA 06/05/2025
No. C2/Rect/MOs/2025, Dt.13.03.2025 05-12-2024 Filling up of the Post of Medical Officer (reserved for ST) on contract basis in Golden Jubilee Hospital, Medical Dept, VPA - Walk in Interview - Selection Result 13/03/2025
No.C1/Rec1./ Dy, CE (Dy HoD)/2025 Dt. 04.03.2025 04-03-2025 Filling up of the 03 (three) vacant posts of Deputy Chief Engineer (Civil) (Dy HoD)(Class-1) on scale of pay of Rs,80000 - 220000 in Civil Engineering Department of Visakhapatnam Port Authority by abs 21/04/2025
C1&C2/01/2025, 03-03-2025 03-03-2025 Engagement of Professional functionaries in the fields of IT, Legal, Busness Development, Environement Planning and Safety purely on Contract basis. 31/03/2025
No. C2/01/2025. Dated: 20-02-2025 20-02-2025 Filling up the post of Consultant ( Business Promotion & People Engagement) on Contract basis in GAD, VPA 21/03/2025
No. C2/Rect/Sr. Dy. CAO/F&CAO/2025/, Dt.20.02.2025 20-02-2025 Filling up of Sr. Dy. Chief Accounts Officer (Dy.HoD)(Class-l) in the scale of pay of Rs.80000-220000 in Finance Department, Visakhapatnam Port Authority on Deputation basis lnviting applications from 21/03/2025
No. C2/Rect./PILOT (Cl.l)/i2025 Dt. 19.02.2025 01-01-1970 A Selection held on 19.02.2025 to the two posts of Contract Pilots (Class-l) in Marine Department /VPA, the following candidate is found suitable and selected. 19/02/9999
No. C1 /Rect./SME(Dy.HoD)/2025, Dt.18.02.2025 18-02-2025 Filling up of the anticipated vacant post of Sr. Marine Engineer (Dy. HoD) on scale Rs.80000 - 220000 in Marine Department of Visakhapatnam Port Authority by absorption through Composite method of Rec 08/04/2025
No. IGAD/C2/Rect/TM/2024, Dt.11.02.2025 11-02-2025 Filling of the post of Traffic Manager (HOD)(Class-1) in the scale of pay of Rs.1,00,000-2,60,000/- (Revised) by absorption through composite method in Traffic Department, Visakhapatnam Port Authority 28/03/2025
No. IGAD/C2/Rect. /DTM/ 2025 Dt. 07.02.2025 07-02-2025 Filling up of the vacant post of Deputy Traffic Manager (Class - l) in the scale of pay of Rs.60,000-1,80,000/- (pre reivsed Rs. 13000 - 18250) in Traffic Department, Visakhapatnam Port Authority on 10/03/2025
ADVT No.2024/SGR/01 26-12-2024 Indian Ports Association (IPA), on behalf of Major Ports of India, invites applications from qualified candidates for Executive Level Positions in the Civil Engineering discipline. Interested candidat 26/12/2024
No. C2/13/2024 Dt. 05.12.2024 05-12-2024 WALK-IN-INTERVIEW for MEDICAL OFFICER POST RESERVED FOR (ST) 31/03/2025
No. IGAD/C2/Rect./Sr. ATM/2024, Dt.17.12.2024 17-12-2024 Filling up of 2 Posts of Senior Assistant Traffic Manager (Class - I) on Scale of Rs. 50000 - 160000 in Traffic Dept, VPA on Absorption / Deputation basis 20/01/2025