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All Circulars

S.No Circular No Category Subject Department Date View
582 1674 Shipping Filing of BERMAN MESSAGE before Pilot Boarded in NLP Portal Traffic 20-02-2024 Document
580 1672 General Instructions to the Port users to control accidents at Cargo handling operational areas - Complying Safety precaustions of the safety of workders. Traffic 12-02-2024 Document
579 1673 Shipping licence fee for the allotment of the newly constructed cover shed at R-11 area. Traffic 02-02-2024 Document
577 No.IMAR/MSS/F2/416/2024 DT.12.02.2024 Shipping Declaration of maximum allowable draft at WQ-6 berth in North arm of Inner Harbour. Marine 12-02-2024 Document
576 1672 General Instruction to the Port users to control accidents at Cargo handling operational areas - complying safety precautions of the safety of the workers. Traffic 12-02-2024 Document
575 1671 Shipping Request for refund from PDA 6711129 in respect of M/s. Focus Trans-Tech Shipping Private Ltd. Traffic 18-01-2024
574 1669 General Operation and maintenance of newly developed Truck Parking Terminal located in between INS Dega and Solar Power Plant connected to port connectivity Road. Traffic 10-01-2024 Document
573 1666 General Displaying Name Boards board at stack yards by the licensees Traffic 08-01-2024 Document
572 ITRA/ROC/GSD/FIRON ORE/24 DT. 10-01-2024 Shipping Delay in indentification of Handling Agent in Iorn Ore rakes delivery Request to furnish Handling Agent Details. Traffic 10-01-2024 Document
571 1665 Shipping Delaration of Non-Weather Working days on 4th, 5th & 6th December 2023. Traffic 05-01-2024 Document