Swachh Bharat
As per the directions of the Ministry, various activities have been initiated by VPA by focus on the issues and practices of Swachhata, within the Port city as well in other areas of port’s interest.
The Ministries observing Swachhata Pakhwada are monitored closely using online monitoring system of Swachhata Samiksha where action plans, images, videos related to Swachhata activities are uploaded and shared. read more..
As part of the Swachhata Hi Seva 2024 initiative, a plantation programme was organised at Administrative Office Building of VPA on 23-09-2024 read more..
In line with the national campaign Swachhata Hi Seva the VPA oranised a successful cleaniliness drive a Kamaba konda Trekking path in Visakhaptnam on 22-09-2024 read more..
Swachhata Hi Seva 2024 Programme at Paderu, Alluri Sitarama Raju District. Orgnised by Visakhapatnam Port Authority on 21st September 2024. read more..
As part of the Swachhata Hi Seva 2024 VPA organised Ek Ped Maa Ka Naam plantation Programme. read more..
Chairperson of VPA Shri. Angamutthu, IAS calls upon Officers and employees to actively contribute to keeping the surroundings clear and Administers the Swachhata pledge on 16-09-2024. read more..
As A part of the program VPA MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT staff have cleaned the office premises with zeal and enthusiasm. read more..
The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan 3.0 @VPA: As a part of the 'Ek Tareekh, Ek Ganta, Ek Saath' initiative, the Visakhapatnam Port Authority organized the curtain raiser for the ongoing Swachh Bharat Special Campaign 3.0 at the dock area in the vicinity of the port. A large number of officers, staff, employees, and private workers, including foreign vessel crews, participated in this campaign, which will continue from 02-09-2023 to 31-10-2023. read more..
Visakhapatnam Port Authority is glad to reiterate that VPA is the only Port among all major ports to observe Swachh Bharat on 28.04.2023. As a part of the program VPA staff have cleaned the office premises with zeal and enthusiasm. read more..
As per Practice, employees of Visakhapatnam Port Authority have observed Swachh Bharat on 20.01.2023. As a part of the cleaning program, VPA staff have cleaned the office premises with utmost devotion towards the work. read more..
Visakhapatnam Port Authority observes Swachh Bharat on 23.12.2022. As a part of the program VPA Employees have cleaned the office premises and surrounding areas with zeal and enthusiasm. read more..
Visakhapatnam Port Authority is glad to inform that Visakhapatnam Port Authority India is the only Port to observe Swachh Bharat on 16.12.2022. As a part of the program VPA staff have cleaned the office premises with zeal and enthusiasm. read more..
A glimpse of work done by Visakhapatnam Port
Authority in connection with the Swachh Bharat 2.0 campaign from October 2nd,
2022 to 31st October 2022. read more..
On the Directions of the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways under Special Campaign 2.0 Visakhapatnam Port Authority Organized 'Workshop on PPP Grievance Redressal' with Stakeholder organizations. VPA Chairman Sri K. Rama Mohana Rao, IAS along with Dy. Chairman & HOD's attended the program on 29-10-2022. read more..
On 26-10-2022, as a part of Swachh Bharat 2.0 Campaign, Civil Engineering Department of Visakhapatnam Port Authority have taken up cleaning of Drains in the premises of Visakhapatnam Port Authority. The before and after images of the work performed can be observed below. read more..
On 26-10-2022, Training session was organized by Visakhapatnam Port Authority on Government of India Flagship Program Swachh Bharat to VPA Employees and staff at Port HRDC centre. VPA have arranged expert faculty from local university to interact with the employees. read more..
Under Swachh Bharat 2.0 Mechanical and Electrical
Engineering Department of Visakhapatnam Port Authority, India have taken up
disposal of unserviceable furniture and Information Technology Hardware laying
in the Department on 25-10-2022 and the E-waste in handover to the Information
Technology Department for safe disposal. read more..
Under Swachh Bharat 2.0 Campaign, the General Administration Department of VPA has taken up cleaning activity in the premises of the Administrative Office Building Visakhapatnam Port Authority on 21.10.2022. Male & Female employees joined hand in hand to make the premises clean. And the Drawing office & Library of the Civil Engineering Department wherein all the Files relating to Engineering works are stored are dusted and realigned in a proper way so as to improve Data Access and enhance Working Conditions. read more..
As a part of Swachh Bharat 2.0 Finance Department of Visakhapatnam Port
Authority India taken up disposal of unserviceable Information Technology
Hardware lying in the Department on 20.10.22 and the E-waste in hand covered to
IT Department for Safe Disposal. read more..
Visakhapatnam Port Authority Observed Swachh Bharat campaign 2.0 on 19-10-2022 at the coal debris on the Berths & disposed of it in safe areas, Dry Dock Pump House Area and ORS area. read more..
On 17-10-2022, As a part of Swachh Bharat Campaign
2.0, employees of the General Administration Department of Visakhapatnam Port
Authority tightened up their belts and took-up segregation and weeding of old
files in the departments. read more..
Visakhapatnam Port Authority has conducted the Swachh Bharat Campaign 2.0 on 15-10-2022. read more
On 13-10-2022, Under Swachh Bharat Campaign 2.0 Civil Engineering Department of Visakhapatnam Port Authority India has taken up the dismantling of old buildings (Employee Quarters) in the Saligramapuram area. VPA Management has decided that the Decade’s old buildings are no safer for living/allotment. read more..
As a part of Swachh Bharat Campaign 2.0, the General
Administration of Visakhapatnam Port Authority has taken up the disposal of
unserviceable Information Technology Hardware lying in the Department on
12.10.22 and the E-waste in handover to the IT Department for Safe Disposal. read more..
As a part of Swachh Bharat Campaign 2.0, the
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Department of Visakhapatnam Port
Authority has taken up disposal of unserviceable electrical Scrap items in VPA
on 10.10.2022. read more..
On 07-10-2022,
As a part of the Ongoing Swachh Bharat Campaign 2.0, Traffic and Finance
Departments of Visakhapatnam Port Authority Organized Outdoor and Indoor
Swachhata events here below are a few snapshots of the cleaning activities. read more..
Visakhapatnam Port Authority is happy to
reiterate that Visakhapatnam Port Authority India is the only Port among 13
Major Ports to observe Swachh Bharat on 07-10-2022. As a part of the program,
VPA staff cleaned the office premises with zeal and enthusiasm. read more..
As a part of Swachh Bharat Campaign 2.0,
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Department of Visakhapatnam Port
Authority have taken up disposal of unserviceable electrical items in VPA on
06.09.2022. read more..
As a part of Swachh Bharat Campaign 2.0,
Visakhapatnam Port Authority taken up cleaning program, old files weeding and
safeguarding program in General Administration Department on 04-10-2022. The
Commendable work of Record Sorters have received appreciations from all corners. read more..
Visakhapatnam Port Authority is glad to
reiterate that Visakhapatnam Port Authority is the only Port among all major
ports to observe Swatch Bharat on 30-09-2022. As a part of the program, VPA
staff cleaned the office premises with zeal and enthusiasm.
read more..