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All Circulars

S.No Circular No Category Subject Department Date View
602 No.02 Shipping Amendment of the provisions mentioned in new SOR/VPA currently force w.e.f. 29-05-2023 Traffic 23-05-2024 Document
601 1709 Shipping Submission of BERMAN message in NLP Marine Portal Traffic 27-05-2024 Document
600 1709 Shipping Submission of BERMAN message in NLP Marine Portal - Reg. Traffic 27-05-2024 Document
599 Office Order No. ITRA/EST/FREC/JA(O)/89, Dt.08.05.2024 GAD Filling up of 1 (One) post of Junior Assistant (Office) (Un-Reserved) (Cl-lll) on scale of pay of Rs.27400 - 70500 in Traffic Department Traffic 08-05-2024 Document
598 Office Order No. ITRA/EST/FSPR/Q.F/96, Dt.10.05.2024 GAD Officiating arrangements in Shipping Section Traffic 10-05-2024 Document
597 ITRA/SHP/FCIR Dt.07-05-2024 Shipping Polution control measures - Covering of Tarpaulin of trucks carrying bulk cargoes - restriction of 6 Mtrs height of bulk cargoes stacked in the open yard - sprinkiling water ofn the roads Traffic 07-05-2024 Document
596 1706 General Polution control measures Covering of Tarpaulin on cargo stacks trucks carrying bulk cargoes Restriction of 6 Mtrs height of bulk Cargoes Stacked Traffic 07-05-2024 Document
595 1705 General Displaying Name Boards board at Stack yards by the licensees Traffic 07-05-2024 Document
594 1703 General Operation and maintenance of newly developed Truck Parking Terminal located in between INS Deaga and Solr Power connected to port connectivity Raod Traffic 02-05-2024 Document
593 1704 Shipping Request for refund of the TDS amount from PDA 6711397 in respect of M/s. Seapol Port Private Ltd., Traffic 03-05-2024 Document