All Circulars
S.No | Circular No | Category | Subject | Department | Date | View |
592 | 1695 | General | Annual Escalation factor to the extent of 60% of the variation in the Wholesale Price Index(WPI) for indexation of SOR and 100% of the variation in the Wholesale Price Index(WPI) for indexation of Performance linked tariff under the Stevedoring and Shore handling guidelines, 2016. | Traffic | 01-01-1970 | Document |
591 | 1694 | General | Indexation of tariff caps fixed in the upfront tariff cases under 2008 guidelines for PPP Projects at the major port trusts with reference to the variation in Wholesale Price Index(WPI) | Traffic | 01-01-1970 | Document |
590 | 1700 | Shipping | SOR Indexation to inflation of variation in WPI for the year 2024-25. | Traffic | 25-04-2024 | Document |
589 | 1699 | Shipping | Annual indexation factor ARR computation and indexation of SOR by BOT operators under traffic guidelines 2019 for BOT operators (previously governed by 2005 Tarrif Guidelines ) with reference to variation in wholesale price Index(WPI) | Traffic | 25-04-2024 | Document |
588 | 1697 | Shipping | Indexation of Traffic caps fixed in the refference tariff under 2013 guide line for PPP projects at Major Port Trusts | Traffic | 19-04-2024 | Document |
587 | 1687 | General | Operation and Maintanance of newly developed Truck parking terminal located in between INS Dega and solar power plant connected to Port connectivity Road | Traffic | 28-03-2024 | Document |
586 | 1682 | General | Recovery of wagon | Traffic | 18-03-2024 | Document |
585 | 1683 | General | Rates of Terminal charges to be collected by Visakhapatnam Port Trust Railways directly from Customers | Traffic | 15-03-2024 | Document |
584 | 1677 | Shipping | Wagon damages at different sidings in VPA and detachments at R&D | Traffic | 01-03-2024 | Document |
583 | 1676 | Shipping | Declaration of maximum allowable draft at WQ-6 berth in Northern Arm of Inner Harbour | Traffic | 22-02-2024 | Document |