All Circulars
S.No | Circular No | Category | Subject | Department | Date | View |
627 | 1745 | General | Recovery of wagon Damage & Deficiencies charges in respec of open wagons from handling agents on tonnage basis. | Traffic | 30-10-2024 | Document |
626 | 1743 | Shipping | Revised Wharfage rates of Liquid Bulk Chemical cargos | Traffic | 23-10-2024 | Document |
625 | FA/TAX/Outreach Programme/2024 dt. 22-10-2024 | General Administration | The Income Tax Department is conducting taxpayer's programme on 24-10-2024 at AOB, Samhamurthy Auditorium. | Finance | 22-10-2024 | Document |
624 | 1740 | Shipping | Introdution of Levy of Penal Berth hire for vessels causing abnormal delay adverse effect on Key Performance Indicators. | Traffic | 08-10-2024 | Document |
623 | 1739 | Shipping | Mandatory use of Truck Parking Terminal to take daily passes by the out station trucks/dumpers instead to enter the dock area for delivering / receiving cargo | Traffic | 07-10-2024 | Document |
621 | 1734 | General | Covering of all types of Bulk cargo stack piled up in the open area plots within the jurisdiction of VPA with GoodQuality Tarpaulins overs. | Traffic | 26-08-2024 | Document |
620 | 1731 | General | Removal of tarpaulin covers dumped at Yerri gedda on road side near STP entrance channel | Traffic | 21-08-2024 | Document |
619 | 1733 | Shipping | Covering of Trucks carrying bulk cargoes with Tarpaulin - Sprinkiling water on the roads. | Traffic | 21-08-2024 | Document |
618 | 1732 | Shipping | Hoisting of Prpoer Save all nets at all working hatches of the vessel | Traffic | 21-08-2024 | Document |
617 | 1730 | Shipping | Preventive measures for Fatla Accidents - Mandatory engagement of Helper / Cleaner along with Driver on the Vehicles plying in the Port Area. | Traffic | 21-08-2024 | Document |