All Circulars
S.No | Circular No | Category | Subject | Department | Date | View |
559 | 1649 | Shipping | NHAI, PIU Visakhapatnam-improvement of works for Visakhapatnam Port Road-Rehabilitation of (i) Nehru Centenary Flyover(NCFOB) (ii) Ambedkar Centenary Flyover(ABFOB) (ii) Ramp - A Flyover - Traffic diversion for execution of rehabilitation work. | Traffic | 07-11-2023 | Document |
558 | 1647 | General | Refund of Security Deposit Amount submitted by M/s. BOPPUDI LOGISTICS VIZAG LIMITED. on account of cancellation of their Stevedoring Licence. | Traffic | 30-10-2023 | Document |
557 | 1645 | General | License fee for Allotment of the newly constructed covered Shed at R-11 area | Traffic | 13-10-2023 | Document |
556 | 1644 | Shipping | Vessel Agents to attend the online daily Berthing Meeting along with their respective PPP/BOT Operators and Stevedores for review of vessel performance. | Traffic | 16-10-2023 | Document |
555 | 2 | General | Enhancement of fees for Registration of CHD empoyer under Registered Scheme (RS) & Un-Registered Scheme(URS) of CHD | Traffic | 25-10-2023 | Document |
554 | 1646 | General | Operation and maintenance of newly developed Truck Parking Terminal located in between INS Dega and Solar Power Plant conneted to Port Connectivity Road | Traffic | 23-10-2023 | Document |
553 | 1642 | General | Lands- License fee rate for allotment of VPA lands for temporary open cargo stacking purposes for a period of not more than 1 1 months. | Traffic | 10-10-2023 | Document |
552 | 1641 | General | Appointment of Safety Officer and Welfare Officer as per Reg.94 of the Dock Workers (Safety, Health & Welfare ) Regulations 1990 for issuance of Stevedoring Licence / Fresh /Renewal. | Traffic | 09-10-2023 | Document |
551 | ITRA/SHP/FCIR/Dt. 06-10-2023 | Shipping | Imprvement the capacity utilization of OR-1 & OR-2 berths in Inner Harbour of Visakhapatnam Prt-Commissioning of OR-1 berth and Decommissioning of od OR-2 berth Approval | Traffic | 06-10-2023 | Document |
550 | ITRA/CHD/FCIR/1983 Dt. 06-10-2023 | General | Enhancement of fees for Registration of CHD employer under Registered Scheme (RS) & Un-Registered Scheme (URS) of CHD | Traffic | 06-10-2023 | Document |