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All Circulars

S.No Circular No Category Subject Department Date View
360 685 Shipping Priority berthing for Fertilizers vessels beyond September 2016 Traffic 30-09-2016 Document
359 129 General Revision in draft of vessels at EQ-7 berth in Northern Arm of Inner Harbour Marine 27-04-2017 Document
358 803 Shipping Declaration of EQ-3 to EQ-5 Berths as Non-Crane berths due to withdrawal of 10T/15 Ton capacity ELL wharf cranes at EQ-3 to EQ-5 berth from cargo handling operations Traffic 10-04-2017 Document
357 801 Shipping Extension / Withdrawal of concessions on vessel related charges for container vessels Traffic 01-01-1970 Document
356 799 Shipping Calculation of Turn Round Time(TRT) based on BERMAN Traffic 01-01-1970 Document
355 800 Shipping Enrolment of RFID passes - Port Hired vehicles and civil , Mechanical, Electrical, Marine work contractors Traffic 01-01-1970 Document
354 795 Shipping Declaration of 14.5mtrs draft Vessels at EQ-7 berth in Northern Arm of Inner harbour Traffic 01-01-1970 Document
353 742 General Revision of Haulage charges payable to Port Trusts Traffic 17-03-2017 Document
352 790 General Proper pass/ permission for private vehicles and drivers- Entering Port premises Traffic 01-01-1970 Document
351 748 General SS(REV) sub-module through ERP system Traffic 24-03-2017 Document