All Circulars
S.No | Circular No | Category | Subject | Department | Date | View |
340 | 666 | General | Carrying passes/IDs proofs and checking & frisking at all the entry/exit points | Traffic | 11-08-2016 | Document |
339 | 660 | General | Installation of continuous online ambient air quality monitoring(CAAQM) stations at three locations by Visakhapatnam Port Trust | Traffic | 25-07-2016 | Document |
338 | 604 | General | Observations raised by ISI team of Intelligence Bureau | Traffic | 08-01-0216 | Document |
337 | 647 | Shipping | ADCP/AFRO-CSB-VSP City- Immigration Clearance for sailing of Cargo Ships/Tankers -Implementation of /new guidelines | Traffic | 21-06-2016 | Document |
336 | 649 | Shipping | Damage to civil structures pertains to MDSS and Truck Tyre washing Facility | Traffic | 30-06-2016 | Document |
335 | 662 | General | Compliance of requisite information Director General Ministry of Labour & Employment(DGFASLI) | Traffic | 03-08-2016 | Document |
334 | 597 | General | PIU, Visakhapatnam (PC Division); Carrying out special repairs to Visakhapatnam Port Connectivity Project Corridor from Km.0.00 to Km.10.336 with main flyover & ramps-laying of BC overlay near convent junction-Diversion of traffic | Traffic | 02-01-2016 | Document |
333 | 684 | General | Monthly Customs Clearance & Facilitation Committee (CCFC) meeting-Agenda items | Traffic | 29-09-2016 | Document |
332 | 693 | General | Truck tyre washing facility at B-ramp- Mandatory passage of all vehicles ascending B-ramp | Traffic | 26-10-2016 | Document |
331 | 689 | General | Gate pass Management system-Implementation | Traffic | 13-10-2016 | Document |