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All Circulars

S.No Circular No Category Subject Department Date View
370 IMAR/MSS/F-02/4006/15 Shipping Berthing of vessels in Inner Harbour Marine 14-08-2015 Document
369 IMAR/MSS/F-02/3380/15 Shipping Dredging of Inner Harbour channel and Inner harbour turning circle and Northern Arm at port of Visakhapatnam-Declaration of 13m draft for inner harbour Marine 08-07-2015 Document
368 IMAR/MSS/F-02/3021/2015 Shipping India East Coast approaches to Visakhapatnam-Commissioning of WQ-6 berth at Northern Arm of Inner Harbour Marine 22-06-2015 Document
367 785 Shipping Declaration of WQ-3 to EQ-5 Berths as Non-Cranes berths due to withdrawal of 10T/15 Ton capacity ELL wharf cranes at EQ-3 to EQ-5 berth from cargo handling operations Traffic 08-08-2017 Document
366 IMAR/MSS/F-02/2613/15 Shipping Handling of vessels in Inner Harbour Marine 29-05-2015 Document
365 845 Shipping Norms of handling Dry Bulk Cargo-Levy of Penal Charges/ Award of Incentive Traffic 02-05-2018 Document
364 822 Shipping Declaration of EQ-6 & EQ-7 Berths as Non-Crane Berth when the vessels engages HMC cranes Traffic 01-01-1970 Document
363 696 General Unauthorized use of seamen identity cards Traffic 07-11-2016 Document
362 IMAR/MSS/F-02/2017/4354 General Details of the restriction and allowable drafts of the vessels in Inner harbour and Outer harbour Marine 01-01-1970 Document
361 807 Shipping Annual escalation factor for ARR computation and computation of indexed SOR by Major Port Trust under Tariff policy-Implementation of 2% Escalation on Vessel related charges Traffic 10-10-2017 Document