All Circulars
S.No | Circular No | Category | Subject | Department | Date | View |
28 | 9 | Shipping | Proposed for collection of advanced amount in respect of wagons loaded/ unloaded at the Port Terminal -Implementation with effect from 1-3-2009 | Traffic | 06-02-2009 | Document |
27 | 10 | Shipping | Fixation of Tariff for 100 Ton. Capacity Pitless in motion wagon Weigh bridge installed at Route "Y" Railway Track near AKP Level Crossing | Traffic | 12-02-2009 | Document |
26 | 59 | Shipping | Proposal to incorporate a new provision in the berthing policy | Traffic | 19-08-2009 | Document |
25 | 501 | Shipping | Container Vessel related charges at Visakhapatnam Port-Discount for Main Line vessels of 50,000 GRT and above for a period of one year | Traffic | 16-07-2014 | Document |
24 | 549 | Shipping | Mechanization of Coal Handling Facilities and Upgradation of General Cargo Berth at Outer Harbour of Visakhapatnam to cater to 200,000 DWT vessels on BDFOT-Dismantling of PC-1 &2 Conveyors at Ore Berth 1 | Traffic | 08-05-2015 | Document |
23 | 482 | General Administration | Policy Guidelines for Land Management by Major Ports, 2014-Land Use Plan & Allotment Policy in respect of Traffic Visakhapatnam Port Trust | Traffic | 20-03-2014 | Document |
22 | ITRA/SBS/FTAMP | Shipping | levy of penalty for non-removal of Import General Cargo Project Cargo from the premises of Dock Area | Traffic | 05-09-2014 | Document |
21 | IMAR/MSS/F-2/2311/2014 | Shipping | Handling of vessels in Inner Harbour | Traffic | 22-04-2014 | Document |
20 | 371 | Shipping | Handling of Ammonium Nitrate at Visakhapatnam Port Trust | Traffic | 04-02-2013 | Document |
19 | 417 | Shipping | Berthing of vessels in Inner Harbour during Night | Traffic | 17-06-2013 | Document |