All Circulars
S.No | Circular No | Category | Subject | Department | Date | View |
38 | 971 | Shipping | Electrification of Route-X , Route-Y & GCB Mechanical lines for a total length of 23,489 TKM by E.Co Railways-Collection of Infrastructure Cess | Traffic | 21-01-2019 | Document |
37 | 962 | Shipping | Railway Terminal Charges in respect of mechanically tippled Iron Ore trains at Ore Handling Plant(OHP) operated by M/s EVTL | Traffic | 19-12-2018 | Document |
36 | 965 | Shipping | Minimum Average out put of 12,500 Tons Dty Bulk Cargoes handled with Harbour Mobile Crane | Traffic | 26-12-2018 | Document |
35 | 964 | Shipping | Demurrage on cargo not removed from the Wharf | Traffic | 28-11-2018 | Document |
34 | IMAR/MSS/F-02/2018/3983 | General Administration | Details of the restrictions and allowable drafts of the vessels in Inner Harbour and Outer Habour | Marine | 03-12-2018 | Document |
33 | 961 | Shipping | Usage of Port Community System 1x by all Stakeholders-Maritime Trade | Traffic | 15-12-2018 | Document |
32 | 960 | Shipping | Reduction of Cargo wise OSBD Norms for Handling Dry bulk Cargo-Levy of Penalty and awarding incentive | Traffic | 15-12-2028 | Document |
31 | C2/Rect/Dy Sec/2018 | Shipping | Filling up of the vacant post of Dy. Secretary (CL-l) on scale of pay of Rs.24900-50500 (pre-revised Rs.13000-18250) in Administration Division of General Administration Department, Visakhapatnam Port Trust by Absorption/Deputation basis | General Administration | 14-12-2018 | Document |
30 | 953 | Shipping | 8th December- Annual Mary Matha Feast on Ross Hill-Stoppage of Rail Movement/Vehicular movement from Inner Harbour to GCB | Traffic | 28-11-2018 | Document |
29 | 951 | Shipping | Collection of Pollution charges in advance in respect of PPP/BOT Operators at VPT | Traffic | 15-11-2018 | Document |