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All Circulars

S.No Circular No Category Subject Department Date View
78 1237 General Administration Self-Reporting Form(SRF) to be filled by all International Passengers /Crew(To be presented to Port Health Official/Immigration Officer) Traffic 20-03-2020 Document
77 1235 General Administration Enhancement of the rate for issue of passes-Implementation of RFID Traffic 18-03-2020 Document
76 1234 Shipping Checking the fitness of all the vehicles plying in and out of Dock Areas as per the guidelines of RTO Traffic 18-03-2022 Document
75 1232 General Administration Clearing of Garbage from foreign going vessels Traffic 09-03-2020 Document
74 1222 Shipping Uninterrupted vehicular movement on Port Connectivity Road Flyover Traffic 19-02-2020 Document
73 1221 General Administration Upfront Tariff for Stevedoring and Shore handling operations at VPT-Performance Standards -Indexation Traffic 14-02-2020 Document
72 1216 Shipping Remarks of the bench before the National Green Tribunal , Southern Zone , Chennai in the matter of Application no. 68 of 2015[SZ] heard on 23-01-2020 pertaining to handling of dust cargo in VPT Traffic 10-02-2020 Document
71 1217 Shipping Management of Hazardous and other wastes providing Port Reception facility Traffic 10-02-2020 Document
70 1208 Shipping Development of Multipurpose Terminal by replacement of existing EQ-2 to EQ-5 Berths to cater to 14.00m Draft Vessels in Inner Harbour of Visakhapatnam Port Trust-Declaration of 14.5mtrs draft vessels Traffic 29-01-2020 Document
69 1205 Shipping PANS-Thuraya / Iridium operations Traffic 28-01-2020