All Circulars
S.No | Circular No | Category | Subject | Department | Date | View |
88 | 1257 | Shipping | Royalty on Stevedoring and Shore Handling operations | Traffic | 05-05-2020 | Document |
87 | 1254 | Shipping | Indexation of tariff caps fixed in the upfront tariff cases under 2008 guidelines for PP Projects at the Major Port Trusts with reference to the variation in Wholesale Price Index (WPI) | Traffic | 29-04-2020 | Document |
86 | 1251 | Shipping | Standard Operating Procedure(SOP) for sign-on and sign-off of Indian seafarers at Indian Ports and their movement for the aforesaid purpose | Traffic | 22-04-2020 | Document |
85 | 1249 | Shipping | Port Clearance for vessel that are sailing from ancharge without undertaking cargo work | Traffic | 06-04-2020 | Document |
84 | ITRA/SHP/FMIS | Shipping | No operation of Port Operated Berth from 0600Hrs 22.03.2020 to 2200Hrs 22.03.2020 on account of " Janatha Curfew" | Traffic | 21-03-2020 | Document |
83 | 1245 | Shipping | Checklist for compliance to DG Shipping Order No. 04 of 2020 dated 20.03.2020 & subsequent addendum No.1 dated 21.03.2020 in connection with prevention of spread of Corona Virus from ships calling at Visakhapatnam Port Trust | Traffic | 01-01-1970 | Document |
82 | 1241 | Shipping | Instruction to all major and minor ports for dealing with novel coronavirus(COVID-19) pandemic . List of countries as updated dated 21.03.2020: ' travel advisory' in the website of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW), Govt.of India | Traffic | 22-03-2020 | Document |
81 | 1236 | Shipping | Confirmation of draft as requested by trade with regard to berthing of vessels at Inner Harbour | Traffic | 18-03-2020 | Document |
80 | 1246 | General Administration | Instructions on dealing with novel Coronavirus(COVID-19)-Maritime advisory on novel coronavirus(COVID-19) | Traffic | 02-04-2020 | Document |
79 | 1240 | Shipping | Instructions on dealing with novel Coronavirus(COVID-19) | Traffic | 21-03-2020 |