All Circulars
S.No | Circular No | Category | Subject | Department | Date | View |
300 | 525 | General | Commencement of project facilities at AVCTPL at EQ-1 berth | Traffic | 17-12-2014 | Document |
299 | 795 | General | Grant of License for Supply , Installation, Commissioning , Operation and Maintenance of 1(one) No.of Harbour Mobile Crane of capacity not less than the 100T and not more than ten(10) years old as on the date of submission of technical bib? tender, for a period of 5(five) years extendable 02(two) more years subject to satisfactory performance and at the discretion of VPT for deployment in the Inner Harbour of Visakhapatnam Port | Traffic | 07-05-2017 | Document |
298 | ITRA/FHS/FCIR | Shipping | A Uniform ban on Fishing by all fishing vessels at East Coast and West Coast | Traffic | 18-02-2014 | Document |
297 | 533 | Shipping | Container vessel related charges at Visakhapatnam Port-Discount for main Line vessels of 50,000 GRT and above for a period of one year | Traffic | 04-03-2015 | Document |
296 | 534 | Shipping | Container vessel related charges at Visakhapatnam Port-Discount for all container vessels when service is giving direct connectivity to ports not covered by existing lines for a period of six months w.e.f. from 10.02.2015 | Traffic | 04-03-2015 | Document |
295 | ITRA/SBS/FHMC | Shipping | Levying of enhanced Harbour Mobile Crane charges-w.e.f.20.06.2015 | Traffic | 04-07-2015 | Document |
294 | 544 | Shipping | VGBC Berthing Policy-Completion of Inner Harbour Channel dredging/3 months whichever is earlier | Traffic | 17-04-2015 | Document |
293 | 567 | Shipping | Providing Tarpaulins to cover the Coal Stacks | Traffic | 05-09-2015 | Document |
292 | 595 | Shipping | Temporary Marker buoy near No.9 Jetty ferry bend(close to Shipyard cycle shed) | Traffic | 07-12-2015 | Document |
291 | 594 | Shipping | "KANYAMARIYAMMA" FESTIVAL-Request to stop the movement of the vehicular traffic & Railway wagons | Traffic | 07-12-2015 | Document |