All Circulars
S.No | Circular No | Category | Subject | Department | Date | View |
270 | 552 | Shipping | Handling of vessels in Inner Harbour | Traffic | 01-05-2015 | Document |
269 | 852 | Shipping | Benchmark for handling liquid bulk cargo- Levy of Penal Berth Hire Charges | Traffic | 01-01-1970 | Document |
268 | 550 | Shipping | Berthing Policies & Practices for berthing of vessels at VPT Modifications/ ratification for the Existing Berthing Policy | Traffic | 28-05-2015 | Document |
267 | 549 | Shipping | Mechanization of Coal Handling Facilities and Upgradation of General Cargo Berth at Outer harbour of Visakhapatnam to cater to 200,000 DWT vessels on DBFOT basis- Dismantling of PC-I & II Conveyors at Ore Berth-1 | Traffic | 18-05-2015 | Document |
266 | 1432 | Shipping | Proposal from Visakhapatnam Port Trust (VPT) for rationalization of Storage charges approved by the Authority vide Order No. TAMP/58/2008-VPT dated 11th January 2013 notifying the scale of rates in the name of Vizag General Cargo Berth Pvt. Ltd., (VGCBPL) | Traffic | 06-12-2021 | Document |
265 | 547 | Shipping | Loading of Iron Ore in Bulk | Traffic | 11-05-2015 | Document |
264 | 545 | General | creation of a portal in port website and publish the rates transparently by all the customs cargo service providers in handling of cargo is customs area Regulations, 2009 | Traffic | 28-04-2015 | Document |
263 | 540 | Shipping | Extension of MoU with VPT-Trade Policy | Traffic | 31-03-2015 | Document |
262 | 539 | Shipping | Extension of MoU with VPT-Trade Policy | Traffic | 25-03-2015 | Document |
261 | 538 | Shipping | Phase-III Dredging of Inner Harbour channel and Inner Harbour Turning Circle - Handling 12.5 m draft vessels at inner harbour of Port of Visakhapatnam | Traffic | 19-03-2015 | Document |