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All Circulars

S.No Circular No Category Subject Department Date View
320 848 Shipping Norms of handling Dry Bulk Cargo- Levy of Penal charges/Award of incentives Traffic 01-01-1970 Document
319 603 Shipping Handling of vessels upto 240m LOA at OSTT on trail basis Traffic 21-01-2016 Document
318 601 Shipping Mooring buoy East of OSTT Traffic 19-01-2016 Document
317 600 Shipping Berthing of vessels in Inner Harbour during night Traffic 11-01-2016 Document
316 588 General Development of WQ-6 berth in the Northern Arm of Inner Harbour of VPT for handling of bulk cargo on Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer(DBFOT) basis Traffic 16-11-2015 Document
315 493 General Covering of Tarpaulin on cargo stacks / trucks carrying bulk cargoes -Restriction of 6 Mts. height of Bulk Cargoes stacked in the open Yards and Sparkling of water on the roads and stacks Traffic 26-05-2014 Document
314 510 Shipping Pollution control measures-Covering of Tarpaulin on cargo stacks / trucks carrying bulk cargoes -Restriction of 5 Mts. height of Bulk Cargoes stacked in the open Yards-Sparkling of water on the roads Traffic 16-09-2014 Document
313 517 Shipping Pollution on account of handling of Coal Traffic 04-11-2014 Document
312 827 General By passing of cargo vehicle from usage of mechanical Truck Tyre Washing Facility at B-ramp of port connectivity road in port area Traffic 12-05-2017 Document
311 520 General Pollution control measures-Tree Plantation around stack yards-clearing of cargo Traffic 17-11-2014 Document