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All Circulars

S.No Circular No Category Subject Department Date View
400 1437 Shipping Traffic block on account of the development of civil works from RCL stack yard to Delta pond and pavement of road from KR & Son's south junction to LC-13 corridor junction in the port area. Traffic 17-12-2021 Document
399 IWAI/KIL/CARGO(20)/Bare Boat/2020-21/784 Dt. 29-11-2021 Shipping Debarment / Exclusion of Bidder / Contractor from the future Contract Award process due to violation of integrity agreement of Bare Boat Charter Contract of 300 Tonne self-propelled inland Ro-Ro vessel MV v.v. Giri. Administration 29-11-2021 Document
398 IWAI/Cargo/97/2021 Dt. 10-12-2021 General Debarment / Exclusion of M/s. Suman Forwarding Agency Pvt Ltd, Howrah from future contract award process of IWAI. Administration 10-12-2021 Document
397 1433 Shipping A proposal from the Visakhapatnam Port Trust for rationalization of Storage charges approved by the Authority vide Order no. TAMP/58/2008.VPT Dt. 11-01-2013. Traffic 08-12-2021 Document
396 1435 Shipping Implementation of Five Day Week pattern for the Administrative / Ministerial Offices in Visakhapatnam Port Trust Traffic 10-12-2021 Document
395 1430 Shipping Declaration of Non-Weather Working Days from 18th to 19th November 2021 Traffic 04-12-2021 Document
394 1431 General Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for random checking of imported consignments of metal scrap with respect to radioactive contamination Traffic 17-11-2021 Document
393 1434 General Strengthening preparedness measures at Seaports for screening and testing of International passengers Traffic 08-12-2021 Document
392 784 Shipping Withdrawal of 70% of rebate on vessel related charges for container for container vessels where the service is giving connectivity to ports not covered by existing lines Traffic 07-08-2017 Document
391 IMAR/MSS/F-2/3193/2017 Shipping Berthing/Unberthing of vessels at East Quay-10 Marine 02-08-2017 Document