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All Circulars

S.No Circular No Category Subject Department Date View
498 ITRA/GEN/FPWC DT. 17-04-2023 General Port Working Committee (PWC) meeting on 27-04-2023 - notice Traffic 17-04-2023 Document
497 1588 Shipping SOR indexation to inflation of the the variation in WPI-implementation of 12.12% / 7.27% escalation accounced by IPA Traffic 20-04-2023 Document
496 1588 Shipping SOR indexation to inflation of the the variation in WPI-implementation of 12.12% / 7.27% escalation accounced by IPA Traffic 20-04-2023 Document
495 1586 General Lands-License fee rate for allotment of VPA lands for temporary open cargo stacking purposes for a period of not more than 11 months Traffic 19-04-2023 Document
494 1585 Shipping Procedural Changes approved by the VPA Board for avoiding accrual of Outstanding dues in Port Deposit Accounts-Dispense with the usage of Multiple deposit accounts per single customer. Traffic 13-04-2023 Document
493 1587 Shipping SOR indexation to inflation of the variation in WPI – Implementation of 12.12% / 7.27% escalation announced by IPA Traffic 20-04-2023 Document
492 1580 Shipping Grant of License for supply, instllation, testing, commissioning, operation and maintenance of 02 Two nos. of Harbour MobileCranes (HMCs) of capacity not less than 100 MT for deployment in the inner harbor of Visakhapatnam Port Authority - Implementation of New tariff with revised OSBD Traffic 05-04-2023 Document
491 1584 General Extension of 50% Concession in Railway Terminal Charges in respect of Machanically Tippled Iron Ore Trains handled at Ore Handling Plant (OHP) operated by M/s. EVTL & for Manual Iron Ore rakes at VPA. Traffic 10-04-2023 Document
490 1582 Shipping Cargo handling charges for Vessels worked at EQ-1 Terminal Traffic 06-04-2023 Document
489 ITRA/ROC/GSD/FCHV/23 Dt. 13-02-2023 General Registration of e-Demand / Indent on MCHV instead of VZP for loading of rakes at EQ-1 Terminal Traffic 13-02-2023 Document