All Circulars
S.No | Circular No | Category | Subject | Department | Date | View |
480 | 1259 | Shipping | Coastal Transportation of Vehicles through Ro-Ro Vessels - decision for Special Discount | Traffic | 19-05-2020 | Document |
479 | 1569 | Shipping | Exemption of Port & Vessel related charges and priority berthing for RoPax Passenger Ferry Operations / Vessels | Traffic | 28-02-2023 | Document |
478 | ITRA/GEN/FPWC/ Dt. 03-03-2023 | General | Port Working Committee (PWC) meeting notice | Traffic | 03-03-2023 | Document |
477 | 1569 | Shipping | Exemption of Port & Vessel Related Charges and Prioity Berthing for RoPax / Passenger Ferry Operations / Vessels | Traffic | 28-02-2023 | Document |
476 | 1568 | Shipping | Booking of Cargo Handling Gangs for vessels working with Ships Cranes at various multipurpose berths under operational control of VPA | Traffic | 27-02-2023 | Document |
475 | 1567 | General | Displaying of Name Board at stack yards by the license holders | Traffic | 20-02-2023 | Document |
474 | 1566 | General | Pollution control measures - Covering of Tarpaulin on cargo stacks/trucks carying bulk cargoes - Restriction of 6 Mtrs height of bulk cargoes stacked in the open Yards - Sprinkling of water on the roads | Traffic | 20-02-2023 | Document |
473 | No:ITRA/BDO/FMISC Dt. 13-02-2023 | General | Maritime India Global Summit - 2023 (MIS-2023) | Traffic | 13-02-2023 | Document |
472 | 1565 | Shipping | SOR indexation to inflation of the variation in WPI-Implementation of 10.77% / 6.46% escalation announced by IPA | Traffic | 09-02-2023 | Document |
471 | No. IENG/EE(Projects)/FFPH/Pt.1/47 Dt. 03-02-2023 | General Administration | Blacklisted to the Firm M/s. LORVEN ENTERPRISES, HYDERABAD - Construction of New Firefighting pump house for OR-I, OR-II and OR-III Berths in Inner harbor of VPA | Civil Engineering | 03-02-2023 | Document |