All Circulars
S.No | Circular No | Category | Subject | Department | Date | View |
518 | 1610 | Shipping | Implementation of PHO Module functionality of National Logistics Portal-Marine | Traffic | 28-06-2023 | Document |
517 | 1609 | Shipping | Pollutiion control measures Covering of Tarpaulin on cargo stacks Restriction of 6 Mtrs height of bulk Cargoes stacked in the open Yards Sprinkiling of water on the roads. | Traffic | 21-06-2023 | Document |
516 | ITRA/GEN/FPWC DT. 15-06-2023 | General | Port Working Committee (PWC) meeting notice | Traffic | 15-06-2023 | Document |
515 | 1606 | Shipping | Disposal cut and torn & wste tarpaulins-at designated location | Traffic | 12-06-2023 | Document |
514 | 1605 | Shipping | Closing of Port Deposit Accounts - M/s. Raja Enterpreneurs | Traffic | 07-06-2023 | Document |
513 | 1604 | General | Cancellation of Stevedoring Licence in respect of M/.s Sree Vinayaka Logistics. | Traffic | 07-06-2023 | Document |
512 | Applicaion Forms for Licence/Renewal | General | CHECK LIST OF DOCUMENTS / CERTIFICATES TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE STEVEDORE TO GRANT NEW / RENEWAL OF STEVEDORING LICENCE | Traffic | 08-06-2023 | Document |
511 | 1603 | Shipping | General Revision of Scale of Rates 2023 - Concession on certain services | Traffic | 02-06-2023 | Document |
510 | 1602 | General | Celebration of world blood donor day on 14th June2023 as one of the activities under "Raktdaan Amrit Mahotsav" under Azad Ka Amrit Mahotsav - Inputs. | Traffic | 02-06-2023 | Document |
509 | 1601 | Shipping | Revision of Scale of Rates 2023- Nutification in State Gaztte | Traffic | 01-06-2023 | Document |