All Circulars
S.No | Circular No | Category | Subject | Department | Date | View |
539 | 1629 | Shipping | Mechanization of Coal handling failities and up gradation of general cargo berth ( GCB) at outer harbour of Visakhapatnam Port to cater 200000 DWT vessels on DBFOT hasis-Stressed Project. | Traffic | 18-08-2023 | Document |
538 | 1628 | Shipping | Declaration of Non Weather Working Day from 23rd July to 26th July2023. | Traffic | 16-08-2023 | Document |
537 | 1627 | General | Recovery of wagon Damage & Deficiencies charges in respect of open wagons from handling agents on tonnage basis | Traffic | 08-08-2023 | Document |
536 | 1626 | Shipping | Grant of License for supply, installation, testing, commissioning, operation and maintenance of Harbour Mobile Cranes (HMCs) of capacity not less than 100 MT for deployment in the inner harbour of VPA - Implementation of New tariff with revised OSBD | Traffic | 07-08-2023 | Document |
535 | 1623 | Shipping | Open Source Ticket Request System (OTRS) | Traffic | 01-08-2023 | Document |
533 | 1622 | General | Rationalisation of Tariff for Cruise Vessels arriving in India | Traffic | 31-07-2023 | Document |
532 | 1621 | General | Engagement of service provider for desposla of cut and torn Tarpaulins and other waste plastic materials from the port permises. | Traffic | 31-07-2023 | Document |
531 | IM&EE/GCB/Stressed Project/2023/412 Dt. 20-07-2023 | Shipping | Mechanization of Caol handling facilities and up-gradation of general cargo berth (GCB) at outer harbour of VPA to cater 200000DWT vessels on DBFOT basis-Stressed Project | Mechanical Engineering | 20-07-2023 | Document |
530 | 1614 | Shipping | Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Un-Authorised Occupation Charges Bills on Licensed Plots | Traffic | 03-07-2023 | Document |
529 | 1620 CORRIGENDUM on CIRCULAR-1614 | General | Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Un-Authorised Occupation Charges Bills on Licensed Plots | Traffic | 13-07-2023 | Document |