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All Circulars

S.No Circular No Category Subject Department Date View
138 1357 Shipping Engagement of aged Contract labour/ Workers , inside the Dock premises for undertaking cargo operation/ sanitary / conservancy and related works associated with VPT Traffic 23-03-2021 Document
137 1355 Shipping Rates of Terminal charges to be collected by Visakhapatnam Port Trust Railway directly from Customers Traffic 16-03-2021 Document
136 ITRA/ROC/FD&D Shipping Heavy sick marking of Iron ore wagons at R&D VZP Traffic 11-03-2021 Document
135 1356 Shipping Poor Compliance of coverage of cargo stacks at the license plot allotted by VPT for storage/stacking-of EXIM cargo Traffic 18-03-2021 Document
134 1352 Shipping Priority Berthing of vessel intending to load Export Sugar in VPT Traffic 26-02-2021 Document
133 1351 Shipping Dispensation of 24hrs priority norm for tanker vessels at the Oil wharfs in of light Capacity augmentation of Oil wharfs and consequent commissioning of OR- III Jetty as well as shutdown of OR-I Jetty for civil works Traffic 19-02-2021 Document
132 1349 Shipping Testing of equipment , components and imported for use in the power supply system and network in the country to check for any kind of embedded malware / Trojans/ cyber threat and for adherence to Indian Standards Traffic 16-02-2021 Document
131 ITRA/IT/AD/Migration/ERP/2021 Shipping ERP hardware maintenance activity-Planned downtime at VPT IT center Research and Planning Division 12-02-2021 Document
130 1344 Shipping Proposal from the Visakhapatnam Port Trust for amendment in the existing Scale of Rates approved vide Order No. TAMP/20/2019-VPT dated 29th November 2019 to prescribe rate for deployment of Fire Tenders for any other purpose/ place other than fire fighting in ships lying in port limits Traffic 21-01-2021 Document
129 IMAR/MSS/F-2/73/2021 Shipping Declaration of maximum allowable draft at WQ-6 berth in Northern Arm of Inner Harbour Marine 06-01-2021 Document