Who Is Who In Vigilance Department
Sl. No. | Name of the Officer | Designation | Sector Handling | EMail-ID | Mobile No. | Office NO |
1 | PS Lingeswara Swami | Chief Vigilance Officer | Head of the Department | cvo.vpt@gov.in | - | 2873041 |
2 | MV Padmavathi | P.A to CVO | CVO's Office | padmamuvvala@vpt.shipping.gov.in | - | 2873040 |
3 | B Baloji | Dy. Chief Vigilance Officer | Vigilance & Office matters | cme.bbj.vpt@gov.in | - | 2873113 |
4 | P Samba Siva Prasad | Assistant Engineer (C)I | Enquiries and investigation of Vigilance matters | ps.prasad@vpt.shipping.gov.in | - | 2873920 |
5 | B.S Kiran Kumar | Assistant Engineer (M) | Enquiries and investigation of Vigilance matters | bsk.kiran@vpt.shipping.gov.in | - | 2873016 |
6 | R Panduranga Prasad | Assistant Engineer (C) II | Enquiries and investigation of Vigilance matters | rp.prasad@vpt.shipping.gov.in | - | 2873919 |
7 | G Vijayanand | Assistant Engineer (E) | Enquiries and investigation of Vigilance matters | ga.annand@vpt,shipping.gov.in | - | 2873126 |