Press Brief on PM Gati Shakti Dt.10.03.2022
Visakhapatnam Port Authority (VPA) conducted a Media Briefing on PM Gati Shakti, National Master Plan, on 10th March, 2022 at 11:00 AM at Sagarmala Conventions, Salagramapuram, Visakhapatnam.
Participants from various Central & State Ministries joined the Meeting virtually.
The event was chaired by Shri K. Rama Mohana Rao, IAS, Chairman-VPA, in the presence of Shri Durgesh Dubey, IRTS, Dy. Chairman, Shri Anup Kumar Sathpathy, IRTS, Divisional Railway Manager-Waltair, Smt. Aarti Saxena, IRS, Addl Commissioner, Customs, Sri Prakash Gaur, Project Director, NHAI, Sri Dilip Kumar Gupta, M.D. Sagarmala Development Company Ltd., Sri Muralidharan, CEO, AP Maritime Board & other Senior Officials of VPA.
More than 350 Journalists / Media / HODs / Associations / Chambers of Commerce personnel attended the event physically at the venue and others were present virtually.
Chairman, VPA has outlined the various advantages of the Gati Shakti in making Indian Economy to 5 Trillion Dollars by 2025. In tune with the Government of India planning, the Port of Visakhapatnam has also taken steps to create / augment infrastructure and services to ease the Logistics and Ease of Living at Visakhapatnam.
The event had large publicity all over the state, across Print as well as Electronic Media. Some of the Event photos are attached.
Some of the initiatives taken by the Port are briefed hereunder:

The 2nd Container Terminal with an investment of Rs.633 Cr is made operational. This will increase the traffic in the existing two-lane road from East Breakwater to Convent Junction. To facilitate hassle-free movement of container cargo from both the Terminals, Development of existing 2-lane road to 4-lane road from East breakwater to Convent Junction was taken up at an estimated cost of Rs.68 Cr. This Project will connect to the newly constructed Grade Separator, which in turn leads to the National Highway.

The Port has taken up the work of “Providing Electronic interlocking for operation of Points and Signals through object controller of North, South, North-West and South-West Cabins connecting centre EI of R&D Yard” at an estimated cost of Rs.28 Cr

Electrification of 23 ETKM Port Railway lines have been completed in the 1st phase. Second phase of 38 TKM of Electrification Port Railway Lines has been awarded by M/s IPRCL. With Electrification the trains can directly place into the sidings by Electric locomotives without interchange at R&D yard by which detention will be reduced and turn round of rakes improves.

VPA is constructing covered sheds in an extent of 20 acres at an estimated cost of 210 Crores with the financial assistance of Sagarmala Development Company Limited. This project has been contemplated to maintain environmental hygiene while handling dusty cargoes and to meet the statutory requirements of Pollution Control Board and National Green Tribunal.
VPA is developing Truck Parking Terminal in an extent of 20 acres at a cost of Rs.52.32 Crores near Exim Park area. This facility will provide space for 600 Trucks. This project has been contemplated to provide shelter for cargo carrying trucks and to avoid parking of cargo vehicles on the operational roads which are hampering free flow of traffic and causing inconvenience to movement of other traffic also.