Asset Health Monitoring & Predictive Maintenance
- CMS scope usually consists of vibration analysis, and lube oil analysis to predict the failure or proactively work to avoid failure.
- Wireless Vibration Monitoring System that integrates other parameters such as temperature, current, RPM and speed into a single diagnosis system.
- CMS provides us a system to catch the potential failures well ahead of time to avoid breakdowns.
1.1 Asset Health monitoring application areas in VPT
- Pumps
- Electric motors
- Other high / low voltage equipment
- Floating Crafts
- Locomotives
- Bridges & civil structures
- Railway tracks & infrastructure
IoT Based Smart Drain Monitoring System with Alert Messages
- It is difficult to track drains manually, when they are clogged and the whole region is filled with water.
- A warning system that sends the sensed data to the authorities using GSM techniques and IOT.
- MQ135 is to be used for sewage gas, an ultrasonic sensor for sewage distance, and a water level sensor to keep track of water flow.
- If the level reaches a certain threshold, it will send a text message using GSM to the authority to report the issues mentioning which areas should be fixed with a location using GPS
1.2 Capex Project Management & Progress Management
- Project management
- Projects with sub-tasks and deadlines
- Real-time KPI dashboard
- Shared team calendar & meeting scheduling
- Contract management
- Time tracking and billing for work
- Detailed reports on project progress and finances
- Quoting and invoicing with pre-set templates
2.1 Online booking system to improve storage capacity utilization
- Need to map land information into software
- Create map ids along with details of plot in software
- Display the status of plots with different colour coding in GIS based software with dynamic updates by using sensors for occupancy
- Provision for the stakeholder to select the required plot from the software and also integrate the software with SAP for updating billing information without manual intervention
- Provision for obtaining MIS and BI reports from Software
- 100% Cargo scanning to enhance yard integrity.
- To identify the radio active elements and other dangerous explosives
2.2 Smart Quay Walls
Smart Quay Wall offers :
- Ship to maritime structure (quay wall) interaction
- Ship to soil interaction
- Soil to maritime structure (quay wall) interaction
- Maritime structure to client operations interaction
Smart Quay Wall advantages:
- More quay capacity – The sensors reveal hidden capacities to improve the usage of the quays.
- Lower maintenance costs – sensors show more precisely where and when maintenance is required. More efficient maintenance also reduces hindrance and downtime of quays.
- Innovation of quay walls – sensors provide data during design, construction, management / maintenance / use and eventually demolition.
- Innovation of quay walls– sensors provide data during design, construction, management / maintenance / use and eventually demolition.
2.3 Smart Buoys to aid ship navigation
- Smart Buoy - more than a Navigational Aid
- The key idea of the smart buoy concept is to utilize the current marine buoy infrastructure so that buoys can be integrated with measuring instruments to produce data.
Smart buoys have been utilized for Real-time measurements of marine
water monitoring:
- water quality measurements,
- dredging,
- turbidity measurements
- salinity,
- temperature and
- oxygen content measurements.
Traffic Flow Management
3.1 Computer Vision/OCR driven gate operations – waiting time optimization
- Its part of RFID gate management.
- The RFID has become obsolete and OCR become the standard
- Analytics can be made on the captured data
- For rail freight infrastructure, OCR (Optical Character Recognition) at entrances and exits is the more reliable and cost-effective solution.
3.2 Virtual Booking System for seamless ship management
- Online berth management system module in POS to allocate the berth as per the request of stake holders on transparent manner as per the berthing policy of VPT.
- Priority based berthing.
- Seniority based berthing
3.3 Next-Gen Vessel Traffic Management System (VTMS)
VTMS Features:
- Automatic recording of ship visit data
- Automatic recording of ship position in the System area
- Search for information by the set criterion
- Provision of information on the ship calls to other services
- Automated electronic Log Book
- Use of database information to identify acquired radar targets
- Generation of Vessel Positioning report for a specific moment in time
Customs & Other stake holders
4.1 e-DO for process streamlining
e-DO Electronic Delivery Order was implemented at VPT
- The PCS 1x platform offers all e-DO related activities including e-invoice and e-payments, with highly secure data interchange between requester and provider
- With the roll-out of the service, trade and industry will be further facilitated and save time and money in clearing cargo, speed up Delivery Order extension and the Empty offload process.
- Stakeholders can request invoice, view invoice, make payment and secure e-DO on PCS1x
4.2 Document e Verification via virtual data repository
Collections & Financials
5.1 Electronic Financial Receipt(e-FR) for all transactions
- Provision for doing online transactions from all net banking facility on 24 * 7 basis
- Provision for improving the IT infrastructure to mitigate the failure of online transactions
- Provision for obtaining e receipts against the transactions done by stakeholders of VPT
- Provision for generation of MIS reports through online portal and also obtain fortnight reports through front end portal
- Ex: PCS 1x System, POS application
5.2 Automated Virtual Tariff Calculation System to aid Decision making
- Create provision for latest tariff calculation system as per the approval given by Tariff authority in online portal of POS as well as VPT website
5.3 Single Window System for automated online payment enablement
Provision for single window system for the automatic clearance of vessel by verifying the all necessary documents instead of multiple verifications of the documents through online application portal
- Provision for single window system for automatic generating final bills of the services of VPT through customized application
- Set up a single window system for administrative clearance for stake holders of VPT in all aspects by following the policy guidelines
- Ex: PCS1x, POS application, AI based chatbot etc.,
Safety & Security
6.1 Digital Incident Management System(DMIS) for Emergency Response
- Incident Manager - automates planning, staffing and scaling of the resources required to implement the emergency plan, routing the required information or communications to the incident command system and service management teams.
Incident Management Software features:
- Quickly send a message to a set of recipients by Text Message, Email, or a text to speech phone call.
- Manually add definable log events that are perfect for recording when power was restored, decision points, notifications of situational changes, problems encountered, or any other trackable relevant information.
- Detailed Reports, Incident Activation Callout Report – which give full situational awareness into who was called and who responded.
6.2 Automated Underwater Keel Clearance(UKC) System(DC)
- UKC is equal to the minimum total water depth at the location of the ship minus the maximum dynamic draft of the ship.
- Dynamic Under Keel Clearance Management Systems use sophisticated models and real-time met-ocean inputs to produce vessel-specific services (e.g. tidal windows, routes, no-go and almost no-go areas) to ensure minimum under keel clearances are maintained.
- Using an advanced UKCM system will reduce chances of running aground